Saturday, March 19, 2011

Right Shoes High Waist Pain Cause

If you're an active worker, do not ignore back pain. Low back pain can reduce your productivity. Your work is never wrong and you're hobbled. Based on data from the site healthy journal, low back pain affects more women, or as much as 62% of the total.

Low back pain is related to pregnancy and premenopausal. Another factor that helped trigger it is a typical woman's habits, like wearing high heels or carrying grocery items are not balanced.Those two things, wearing high heels and carrying goods unbalanced, causing a severe imbalance of the body.

"Well, when a woman wearing high heels, so the body weight leaning forward. To balance this tilt, pelvis segment was forced to bear the heavy burden. The longer wear high heels, more and also waist? ~ Forced 'to straighten the body. When muscle fatigue around the waist, then also the pain comes, "said Dr. Reno Gustaviani, MD from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.

Pregnant women, as well as those who paunchy or excess body weight is often experienced low back pain. The trigger about the same as the case of high heels. Body weight leaning forward and overwhelmed the pubic bone to balance the body.

Old office workers who sit at the computer, you should frequently change the position of the foot, sometimes moving the body, stand or walk for a few minutes to straighten your body position. Using ergonomic chairs with backrest upright waist supporter (position S), is the right choice. Thus, the position of two feet to tread flat and straight knees. Try mounting the seat does not press the back of the thigh and knee.

"Not a few well connected people suffering at the waist with kidney stones. And, in fact, the diagnosis of doctors do not always prove that pain is identical with impaired kidney or bladder," said Reno. The difference, low back pain due to kidney will rest on one side of the waist up (left or right), and can spread to the groin. Meanwhile, back pain "ordinary" centered below the waist.

Patients with low back pain is not a kidney disease, nerve should contact your doctor. There might be a pinched nerve because forcing myself lifting heavy burden rests on the waist. Mean pinched nerve injury in the nucleus pulposus (the center spine that closed several layers of fibrous tissue). This disorder is called a herniated nucleus pulposis (HNP) or herniation. If someone lift heavy weights with one position, that is bent, will occur nucleus pulposus protrusion toward the back. Once the load is completed removed, the pain will instantly appear in the passage, actually get to the waist down, and spread to the legs.
Medical solution is usually in the form of painkillers and advice physiotherapy for several days, and at the sleeping position of the body should be straight with a flat mattress. If low back pain is severe enough, usually the patient must wear a brace to prevent relapse. Brace is useful to reduce muscle stiffness and load the spine.

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