Saturday, July 30, 2011

5 Rebuttal Smokers When Invited Quit

every smoker would realize the dangers of tobacco they contained suction. However, entrapment to get out of addiction is also very strong.

Various excuses made smokers to fight the inner voice that says the intention to quit smoking. Check out some of the arguments often given smokers about this favorite items, as reviewed the scoop on smoking.

Smoking only causes a few problems, which are listed on the label warning

Health problems listed in the warning label, is lung cancer, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, and some problems that can occur when the cigarettes smoked by pregnant women (pregnancy disorder, damaging the fetus, infants born with low weight and premature birth) . Besides this, smoking also can cause some other problems and for those who already have health problems, smoking will aggravate the disease they suffered.

Smoking can cause some damage to the body caused by substances contained in cigarettes can affect various parts of the body. Within seconds, 4,000 toxic substance which is inhaled by the smoker will be absorbed into the bloodstream and then spread to all parts of the body. Therefore, smoking not only damages the lungs, but also can damage all parts of the body.

I only smoke a little, it is not harmful to myself

Based on a study, it is known that a little or a lot of cigarette smoke that is inhaled, it would be harmful to health. Therefore, even if someone just a little smoke, his health may still disrupted, it can even shorten life.

Another problem with a little smoke is most people become addicted. When we smoke, the craving will appear so without realizing it, the amount of cigarette consumption we will increase each time.

It does not matter if I only smoke a few years, then quit

Smokers assume that the dangers posed cigarettes will disappear when they quit smoking. Actually, many of the detrimental effects of cigarettes that are settled, that will not disappear completely after smokers quit smoking.

In addition, the strength of nicotine addiction so powerful that it can cause smokers is difficult to stop despite knowing the dangers caused by smoking.

How to Health Consultation with a doctor in Cyberspace

Development of civilization and technology have made the perpetrators of the virtual world to maximize access to the progress of life. One of them, in health.

Through Advantcare, media intermediaries engaged in global health, providing health care professionals with a good quality, affordable, and reliable. However, through the virtual world. So, how its application?

Through e-MobileHealth, for your Blackberry users, simply download the application of e-MobileHealth Advantcare of the Blackberry Application World, you can access medical services and health professionals in Jakarta, Singapore, Malaysia and regionally.

Here, you can submit questions about health, make an appointment with a specialist in Singapore and Malaysia, get a second opinion from a specialist in the panels together, and devise a schedule of inspection and evaluation to Indonesia, Malaysia and other countries that became partner of Advantcare.

"This idea has been around since the internet exists. Incidentally expensive first cost of the Internet, to download it would cost expensive. Now, cheap internet, jad much needed to lower costs," said Gaby Suhairy, Director Advantcare Indonesia when talking with Legal and Medical Sindo in the Mist Centre, Jakarta, Wednesday (13/07/2011).

Furthermore Gaby said, the same as any other treatment stages, through Advantcare patients will also experience the stages.

"Phase three of treatment. Diagnosis, consultation, and recovery. The diagnosis is often wrong, is not quite right, so that it can damage other body functions. With a virtual consultation, at least people know what the pathway to true or not. Although it can consult with doctors abroad not mean having medical treatment abroad, "he added.

E-MobileHealth addition, patients can consult with a physician via e-specialist. Like all digital communications are now increasingly widespread, the consultation can be made digitally. With Advantcare, this consultation session can be done by a specialist outside the city and live abroad without having to travel.

"Do not bother to enjoy the services of Advantcare this, you just need to come to Hazy Medical Center and other clinics Advantcare partners spread across several locations in Jakarta and other cities," said Gaby.

As for virtual consultations conducted by three parties between patients who will be accompanied by a doctor with a specialist. However, for this session the patient charge consultation.

"For the cost in Jakarta or Surabaya or Bandung range between Rp700-Rp800 thousand. As for the doctors in Singapore Rp1 ,2-Rp1, 8 million," said Gaby.

Not only the medical consultation, if need treatment abroad, the process of action, cost estimates and the choice of any hospital can virtually be discussed with the relevant specialists and Advantcare will help the process of scheduling and other needs.

Service highlights of Advant Care is the e-Conference. Advantcare believe that medical knowledge is something that should be disseminated to the public so that it will increase their awareness to be responsible for their own health. This concept is to conduct a virtual conference between the public and specialists to discuss health issues in detail. Here, too, will tone Q & A session directly between participants and specialists.

bottle milk can distance between mom and child relationship

Food and nutrition experts from the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), Prof. Ali Khomsan appealed to mothers not to give their children bottles and powdered milk instead of breast milk.

"Milk powder bottle and could not match exclusive breastfeeding, because it can make the proximity of children and mothers is reduced," he said to Legal at Binus International School, Serpong, Friday (07/29/2011).

If a mother has a high workload but wanted to breastfeed her baby, so he could squeeze the milk itself every day before work and put it in the fridge.

But to do that it takes a very strong effort from the mother. Not all women can do that. Only those who loved her son was the one who can do that.

"That requires patience from the mother. But if forced, bottle feeding and powder can be done," he explained.

A child, exclusive breastfeeding is required to drink from the age of 0-6 months. At age 6 months-1 year, a child can be soft and mushy foods, like milk porridge. 1 year of age onwards, children are allowed to consume foods of his parents.

"Depending on the growth of teeth. However, children aged 0-6 months, breast milk should still be given," he concluded.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Green Tea Prevent Hair Loss

The use of hair care products contain many chemicals that can cause hair to become dry, dull, and easily broken. To overcome this, an occasional treat your hair with a natural treatment that is made, one with green tea.

So far, the benefits of green tea is known only to the body. In fact, the content of antioxidants in the drink is also good for hair health. Experts even believe green tea can prevent hair loss. What are the benefits and nutritious substances than green tea?

1.     Against "Dihydrotestosterone" (DHT)

Dihydrotestosterone is a natural testosterone found in men and women. Now scientists know that the cause of hair loss is DHT. Typical male pattern baldness is also believed to be caused because the hair follicles that are sensitive to DHT. Therefore, one strategy is to block DHT prevents hair loss.

Green tea is an herbal DHT reliable contrarian. Green tea is known to increase levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SBGH) which interacts with testosterone so as to prevent the formation of DHT.

2. Increases blood circulation to hair follicle

Green tea contains catechin polyphenols. Quite a lot of research that revealed this molecule to have anticarcinogenic effects and antibiotic functions. Studies in mice also showed, catechin causes blood vessels to contract better, so blood flow to the cardiovascular system and the small blood vessels to become fluent, including to the hair follicles.

3. Stimulates hair growth

Component called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is the most powerful antioxidants. Dilakuakan research in Japan and Korea showed EGCH have positive effects on hair growth. The good news, green tea contains 10 percent EGCH so it is advisable to stimulate hair growth.

4.     Eliminate dandruff and psoriasi

Various studies show that green tea is effective to eliminate dandruff and skin disease psoriasis with how to deal with irritation in the scalp. Shampoo based green tea is highly recommended for hair dandruff. Alternatively, after using shampoo, rinse hair with green tea water.

5.     Strengthens and moisturizes

Another benefit of green tea is to strengthen the hair roots because green tea contains panthenol, vitamin C and E. Vitamin E will restore the youthfulness of the dry or damaged hair. While vitamin C helps protect hair from the dangers of the sun. Pantenol and provitamin will make hair softer and prevent fractures.