Monday, May 30, 2011

Fast Road reason Prevent Prostate Cancer Growth


According to researchers, fast walking can be the savior of men with prostate cancer. Walking is not just any walk, but with a certain speed.

At least three hours a week walking quickly to delay and even prevent the development of prostate cancer. However, the researchers assert, the benefits could only be obtained in men who walk fast, not the road with low speeds.

Conclusions obtained through a study of 1455 men diagnosed with prostate cancer but has not begun to spread. Physical activity levels of patients assessed for more than two years after diagnosis and initial treatment.

Furthermore, researchers from the United States have recorded 117 incidents in patients, including recurrence of disease, bone tumor, and death caused by prostate cancer.

The result, they found that men who walked at least three hours a week have 57 percent lower rate of disease progression of prostate cancer than men who walked slowly for a shorter time.

"Apparently, the man who walked quickly after the diagnosis can delay or even prevent the development of their disease," said Erin Richman, head of research at the University of California, San Francisco.

"The benefits of walking really depend on how fast you walk. Walking with a low speed does not have any benefit. Walking is an activity everyone can do and should do to improve their health, "he added, as reported by Dailymail on Monday (5/30/2011).

You Are Often Tired? Maybe It's Cause

Scientists from the University of Toronto, Canada, has drawn the conclusion that the physical violence experienced by women in childhood have a powerful effect on their nervous system activity in the future.

In particular, the experts said, it concerns such as functional somatic disorders mysterious, as chronic fatigue syndrome.

This is manifested in symptoms of increased fatigue and apathy, which is most commonly experienced problem among modern women. According to the researchers, women who claimed cases of physical violence in the early years of their lives, showed almost two times more likely to experience such symptoms also associated with an increased chemical sensitivity.

In addition, representatives of womanhood is marked by an average 65 percent higher chance of developing fibromyalgia. This finding is relevant, even after considering other negative factors. Similarly taken of Genius Beauty, Tuesday (05/31/2011).

During the experiment, the team of doctors led by Professor Joan Schulman was observed a total of 7342 women, of whom 10 percent are victims of physical abuse in childhood.

The main characteristic of chronic fatigue syndrome is that the symptoms shown always so, even after a long rest. As a result, women become very emotional, which are vulnerable to dramatic changes in mood, and unable to fully perform physical activity daily.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

How to Easily Prevent Cervical Cancer

Although already known cause, but be wary of cervical cancer. Immunization be an alternative antidotes. Early detection is the way just went.

Unlike other cancers that are still mysterious cause, has been known to cause cervical cancer. Cancer that attacks the cervix is ​​caused by human papilloma virus (HPV). Not only that, the facts about the disease also has long been revealed. The fact is, among other things in the world, every two minutes a woman dies from cervical cancer and every one hour, one woman died of cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is cancer that occurs in the cervical area, the area of ​​the female reproductive organ which is the entrance to the uterus located between the womb (uterus, vagina intercourse with a woman (vagina).

Friday, May 6, 2011

Effect of tattoo

Tattoos that are synonymous with valor or Maco and also according to some people say that it is an art, but some are saying that it is one thing that shows delinquency. In spite of it all turned out to be a risk behind your body tattooing.

But from now on have to be careful and should pay attention to the tattooed body. Here are 5 Risks Body tattooing you should note quoted by Kompas.
1.     Allergy
Usage peearna during tattooing may cause allergic skin reactions in the form. Usually there will be itching of the parts tattooed. Do not think it only lasted a moment, but it can last for many years.
2.     Infection
Use of equipment less net Tattoo can cause infection of the skin signs such as skin redness, swelling, pain and pus.
3.     Bumps On Skin
Bumps around the tattoo area called granulomas, not only that it was also encouraging the growth of keloid tattoos or extra tissue that grows dibekas injury.
4.     Of blood-borne illnesses
If the lack of sterile equipment can also cause infection from blood borne diseases, eg HIV, tetanus and others.
5.     MRI Complications
Tattoos can cause swelling or burning skin when the tattooed man undergoing an MRI examination. MRI uses strong magnetic fields with computerized technology to produce detailed images of organs and soft tissues in the body.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

5 formulas that Make healthy ever after

Just sport is not enough to make your body healthy if not coupled with healthy behavior. What is it?

Health can not be achieved for free. Need struggle and various support activities to achieve health whose value is very expensive. To reach it, you also need exercise and a healthy lifestyle in a sustainable and comprehensive. Here's a guide, as reviewed HealthMeUp.

- If you are aged over 30, we encourage you to check cholesterol at least once a year. With a routine check, you can get a complete picture of your lipid levels. Moreover, cholesterol is often not detected, so you also must remain vigilant.

- Committed to exercise every day. Set aside time each day to exercise. Several studies have shown that exercise to be the most effective ways to streamline health if done regularly. Therefore, set at least 30 minutes every day to do sports on the sidelines of your busy life.

- Prepare healthy nutrition since the beginning of the month. Make a record of all prescriptions, vitamins and health supplements that you consume each day so you have enough supplies until the end of the month. Then make sure that you will drink it every day.

- Take a nap. Studies show that napping can improve concentration and maintain high energy levels throughout the day. Set aside time for a nap, even if only on your desk because it was too busy with work. Although only a few minutes, this session is very effective to minimize the stress that arises.

Lung Cancer Treatment

Treatment of lung cancer usually considers aspects of patient history, stage of cancer, as well as general health condition of the patient. The following will explain some treatment is generally performed in patients with lung cancer.

Surgery for Lung Cancer

Surgery in lung cancer is the act of removal of the tumor tissue and surrounding lymph nodes. Surgery is usually done for cancer that has not spread to other tissues beyond the lungs. Surgery usually is only one choice of treatment action in NSCLC and is confined to one part of the lung up to stage IIIA.

Several types of surgery that may be used to treat NSCLC, among others:

Lung Cancer Prevention

The main way for people reduce the risk of lung cancer is to quit smoking. Someone who has successfully quit smoking 10 years means has been to reduce the risk of 30- 50 percent for lung cancer.

Other cancer prevention is to keep the immune system through healthy lifestyle (regular exerciseadequate sleep, stress-free living and healthy eating)and eating supplements regularly.

Recently (June 2009) we were surprised by the results of recent research studies that provide any strong evidence that beta carotene (contained in most multivitamins) may increase the risk of lung cancer.

Wow! Passive Smokers Hypertension Vulnerable

"Children are classified as passive smokers, particularly men, are more susceptible to high blood pressure compared with women," said researchers in a study reported by the Daily Mail.

In pertaman study, the researchers found that boys who breathe secondhand smoke at home may experience high blood pressure increase significant. However, in girls, passive smoking seems to be associated with decreased blood pressure.

Researches involving more than 6,400 children shows that, boys aged 8-17 years who are exposed to tobacco smoke have a pressure of blood were significantly higher than those who do not inhale cigarette smoke.

Smoke exposure was associated with systolic blood pressure, which is associated with a spike in blood each time the heart contracts.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Ear Piercing Can Cause Paralysis

Ear piercing is a simple procedure. Risks that may occur only allergy or infection. But be careful if an infection could trigger other diseases can even be in the form of paralysis.

Ear piercing is an ancient civilization that has made human ancestors since 5000 years ago. Children or adults who will perform ear piercing that is undergoing the same procedure until translucent cartilage piercing to the back.

Although the procedure has been well served by not a few people who have an infection due to ear piercing. This infection is a risk yan always appear even if sterile procedures were followed.

This infection can sometimes cause serious illness. As experienced Grace Etherington, ABG age of 15 years this British have suffered paralysis and unable to speak after suffering an infection in her ears are pierced.

Ear infection that has triggered the emergence of a rare disease Guillain-Barre syndrome in the nervous system so that paralyzes the body. Because this syndrome, Grace is only able to communicate through blinking.

Tricks White Teeth in 1 Hour

Smile more charming if enhanced with rows of white teeth. Unfortunately, some food and habits can make your teeth yellow and difficult to clean.

Whiten teeth at the doctor's course will take no small cost. If you do not intend to do it, why not try to attempt it yourself at home, your teeth will be whiter in 1 hour.

The materials you need as a "formula for instant" whiten teeth, including baking soda, toothpaste, peroxide, and the camera to see the results before and after treatment.

Consider the steps, as quoted EHow:

1. Before you begin, your teeth photos with a camera.

2. Make a thick paste of such a few drops of peroxide, toothpaste, and baking soda. This paste should be thick and sandy.

3. Apply a thick paste on the teeth and let it dry for 1 hour. Make sure you memulaskannya enough to not swallow toothpaste or mouth off when you move. If true regardless paste, apply again in the teeth. Or to prevent it apart, make sure you are not a lot of mouths moving.

4. After 1 hour, brush sticking out pasta and gargle. Smile to the camera and the result, the teeth will look much whiter than before. Good luck!