Tuesday, November 27, 2012

improving concentration for 4 hours by walking and cycling to school

In the countryside, children who walk or bike to school very much encountered. But in urban areas, the landscape is rarely to be found. In fact, studies have found that walking or biking to school to sharpen the concentration of students in the class.

Research from Denmark found that students who escorted ride vehicles or use public transportation to go to school more trouble concentrating than students who walk or bike to school. In this study, a total of 19 527 students aged 5-19 years were asked about diet and exercise habits.

"Exercise is done while commuting to school by walking or cycling is reflected in the level of concentration remained about 4 hours later," said the researcher, Niels Egelund as reported by Medical Daily, Wednesday (28/11/2012).

Initially, the researchers intend to test the influence of breakfast with a concentration in school. It turns discover that breakfast and lunch indeed affect student concentration, but exercise greater influence.

Egelund added that the ability of the Grade 3 students who bike to school as well as older students and a half years. The effect is to make the feeling of being more fit, but the researchers were surprised because the effects can last for so long.

Another study conducted in Australia found that children who are active tend to be slimmer and healthier than children who are not active. Therefore, the researchers encourage children to be more diligent in exercising than eating limiting intake.

Previous research has also found that children who do a lot of physical activity were more likely to be happy than children who spent more time sitting.

Monday, November 26, 2012

In one year, cigarette kill 10 million peoples

A recent study showed deaths from smoking far outweigh deaths from war or terrorist.

In this century, tobacco will kill up to one billion people around the world. Where, smoking also has killed more than half the total number of smokers, mostly due to cancer.

Predictable, there are approximately 30 million new smokers a year around the world and most of them are not going to quit this harmful habit.

"If they do not stop, there will be more than 10 million people per year will die, which means there will be 100 million people at risk of dying within a decade," said Sir Richard Peto of Oxford University, told through Nzherald (26/11) .

Around the world, tobacco causes the death of approximately 22 percent (1.7 million) due to cancer each year, of which nearly one million people die from lung cancer.


This is it ! 4 benefits in routine jogging

 Jogging is one sport that is cheap and easy to do. Not only that, a sport that does not require many tools also promise health benefits for the body. What is it?

Rather than having to spend a lot of money to do a workout in the gym, you better run the morning routine every day. Besides the cheap, the sport is also a lot of benefits.

Here are some of the benefits gained when your body routine jog, as quoted from the LIVESTRONG, Tuesday (27/11/2012):

1.    Burn the fat

Jogging in the morning can provide additional physiological and psychological benefits, including weight loss. According to strength coach and bodybuilder Tom Venuto, the first gym in the morning is very effective for burning fat.

This is because after the sleeping body in a state of semi-fasting and carbohydrate supply runs out. Carbohydrates are the source of energy for the body, so when inventory depleted, the body will burn fat for fuel network while exercising instead.

As long as you keep running at low to moderate intensity, your body will burn fat for fuel especially, so effective for weight loss.

In addition, when your metabolism slows bed completely. Running in the morning is the best way to start improving your metabolism. Many studies have proven that people who used to run in the morning have a better metabolic rate.

2.    Muscles enlarge

In addition to helping you lose weight, jogging in the morning can also improve body composition and help build muscle.

3.    Reduce stress

Many runners often cite the benefits of jogging in the morning, that is as a reliever long-term stress can your mind becomes more relaxed.

4.    Fresh throughout the day

Morning run also makes the body lungs filled with fresh air through the respiratory tract, thus providing a healthier life for blood cells in the body. As well as creating a good coordination between the mind and the soul.

Fresh mind would make a better mood that will automatically contribute to the improvement of health conditions. As well as body movement that involves all the muscles will make blood circulation more smoothly.


Sunday, November 25, 2012

5 Best Stretching for easy Cramps the calf and legs

Jogging or running is the sport most easy, cheap and effective enough to improve fitness. Unfortunately many people complain easily cramps in the legs and calves while doing so. Relax, cause sometimes just less heating.

"Most people think it's boring stretch, but stretching routine to increase flexibility, range of motion and strength. Stretching also improves circulation to keep the muscles are always hot and if injury occurs then the recovery will be faster," said Jen Smith of the Equinox Fitness Club in Marina del Rey, California.

So that is not easy to cramps, some warming movement can do to prep run is as follows, as quoted from Fitsugar, Monday (26/11/2012).

1.    Table Fold

Use a table or any object whose height is equal to the length of your foot. Stand facing a table, open the feet shoulder width apart and place your hands on the edge of the table with weight centered around the shoulder.

Reverse the feet a few steps backward until your back is parallel to the floor. Pull your hips away from the table so that the dorsal and ventral interested up and down. Hold this position for 10 breaths.

To get the effect of a bigger stretch, place your hands lower back muscles that are not only interested but also your leg muscles, especially in the calf. For those who have a high degree of flexibility, can also be followed by laying hands on the foot and do the kiss knee while standing.

2.    Twisted Wide Forward Bend

Stand with legs wide open long legs, with toes slightly inward. In the initial position, the hand can be placed on the hips first.

While keeping your hips stable, bend with your hips back as a footstool while straight cultivated. Hands straight down to the fingertips or palms touching the floor.

Once stabilized, bring both hands to the right ankle, keeping your weight remains centered in the middle to be balanced. Hold for 10 breaths and then move both hands to the left leg.

3.    Bound Angle Pose

Sit on the floor or mat, united both feet with your hands. Pull your feet are together as closely as possible keselangkangan, while lowering the thighs as low as possible to stick to the floor. Use elbows to press your thighs if it is difficult to lower it.

Should not be too pushy foot down by pressing the knee, better move your foot from the groin so that the knee will follow.

Hold this position for 10 breaths, then lower chest as low as possible to near the foot fused. Keep the spine straight, not bent.

4.    Seated Forward Fold (Kiss Knees)

First of all, sit on the floor or mat with your legs selonjor. Inhale and lift your hands up and straighten your back as straight as possible. While releasing breath, lower your hands and take it forward until it touches the tip or the soles of the feet.

Some people are less flexible body to perform this stretch. Do not enforced, use a small towel to be linked to the soles of the feet and pull with your hands until the agency pushed forward as far as possible.

5.    Low Lunge

While kneeling left foot, right foot step forward until the thighs are parallel to the floor while bone dry 90-degree angle. Keep left knee on the floor, Cover with a mat or towel if your knees are sensitive.

Enforce the spine so that the stomach and ribs are interested. Put both hands on your right thigh to encourage agencies to back stretching effect is more pronounced. Do it slowly, hold your hips are always stable.
