Saturday, April 30, 2011

Watch out, Dirty Nails transmitted Husband Can Cervical Cancer

To satisfy his wife in bed, most husbands are willing to do anything, including the stimulation of fingers. Before making lust rising, first consider the husband's fingernail.

Husband wife used to make Miss V quickly "wet" by inserting a finger into it. Be careful, if the husband is not willing to wash your hands and nails sidelines first!

Because it can be, the virus HPV (human papillomavirus) will attach to and infect cervical cancer to you. You do not want to attack cervical cancer of the body, is not it?

"Not only through the genital contact, even from her husband a dirty nail, the HPV virus can be distributed to the wife's cervix, if it is tucked in there, eg hold down Vagina mistress. We never know what's holding out her husband. Then, he wanted to make love and play the wife of his finger in the vagina without washing hands. It would be very risky wife, "explained Dr Sigit Purbadi, Sp.OG (K) to Legal after the launch of the website by IPKASI (Cervical Cancer Prevention Initiative Indonesia) at the Penang Bistro Restaurant, Kebon Sirih, Jakarta, Thursday (28 / 4 / 2011).

Explained Dr Sigit, most women consult a doctor after suffering from advanced-stage cervical cancer.

"It's very unfortunate indeed there are many women who are reluctant to consult a doctor about cervical cancer or at least do percegahan with a pap smear once a year. Their understanding was still lacking on cervical cancer. They come and complain 'my lifestyle is healthy, my husband nice people, but why I can still develop cervical cancer. “Women should understand that we never know whether husband's faithful 100 percent, "he said.

Added Dr. Sigit, the wife can be infected by HPV because the virus can exist anywhere, even can attach to and live in the skin folds of circumcised penis husband.

"Not only that, using sex toys alternately with a female friend can also make us contagious, you know. Instead, she examined further through a pap smear for those who have been married and do the vaccinations for those who are not married, "he suggested closing the conversation.

Soursop Leaf, The Killers Cancer Cells

Cancer is a scourge many people around the world until now. While much research done to find the best cancer drug, soursop fruit turns keep this advantage.

Some time ago, Park held a demo Mekarsari soursop leaf processing provided free of charge to visitors for the 12th time. Activities aimed at providing information on how to cultivate soursop well to be used as alternative drugs to kill cancer cells.

In addition to viewing live demos soursop leaf processing, visitors can also ask and answer about the herbal treatment of cancer and presented with interesting knowledge about the ins and outs of soursop crop cultivation and processing of leaf for herbal medicine in cancer. Curious how soursop capable of being a killer of cancer cells?

Each section is useful soursop

Soursop name comes from Dutch "zuur zak", meaning sour fruit. Parts of the plant began to flower, leaf, fruit, seeds, bark, and roots can be used as traditional medicine.

In the early 1990s, found 34 cytotoxic compounds, on soursop leaves are able to inhibit to kill body cells that have abnormal growth (cancer cells). This compound has several advantages when compared with current cancer treatments, among others, to kill cancer effectively and safely, without causing nausea and vomiting and no weight loss or loss of hair in large numbers.

Soursop leaves annonaceous acetogenins are known to contain substances capable of 10,000 times more powerful killing cancer cells than adriamycin substance, commonly used in chemotherapy treatment. Substance acetogenins can kill various types of cancer, such as colon cancer, thyroid, prostate, lung, breast, and pancreatic disease even pile without damaging or disturbing the body's cells healthy. This has been studied in the Laboratory Health Sciences Institute, the United States under the supervision of the National Cancer Institute, the United States.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Gosh! Often Vitamin C Injection Trigger Strokes?

Vitamin C is often referred to as the king of vitamins, because vitamin C does have many benefits. In addition are antioxidants that can fight free radicals, vitamin C also plays a role in improving the immune system. Lately vitamin c also become a consumer to demand the appearance. 

Doses of vitamin C the ideal is 75 milligrams per day. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should certainly take vitamin C greater than the amount earlier. 

There is also the opinion enough to consume 200 milligrams a day. For people who live with stress or those who live in big cities full of pollution, such as Jakarta, a dose of 500 milligrams is a pretty good dose. 

Not everyone is aware and willing to eat a healthy balanced diet. In fact, the habit is not directly guaranteeing the supply of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins in the body adequately. Vitamin C is easy to encounter in their daily lives. 

Conditions were then led to various options. For those who lack vitamin intake through natural foods, comes a variety of supplement products as the answer. 

But too many people have difficulty taking supplements of vitamin C by way of oral (taken), such as patients with gastric disease. Then came another alternative to taking supplements of Vitamin C. One option was presented in the form of injections or injections of vitamins. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

migraine Headaches? This medicine!

migraine headaches, is a hereditary disease (genetic). So those who have a family with a history of migraine sufferers may also suffer the same disease. But now, 'migraine gene' has been identified and can be cured. 

Scientists have identified a 'gene migraine', to raise new hope drug for headaches that bite and paralyze from the beginning. 

Migraine included in the top 20 in the World Health Organization disease that disables a person in his life and affects one in eight men and women. Migraine cause them more sick days than any other disease, with costs of more than 2 billion pounds a year. So that was launched from Hello Beautiful. 

Although not known for sure the cause, migraine is estimated to occur due to hyperactivity of the brain electrical impulses that increase blood flow in the brain and result in brain blood vessel dilation and inflammation (inflammation). 

Apparently, Oral Sex Bigger Causes Mouth Cancer

Instead of cigarettes, it was oral sex is supposed to have greater influence in triggering oral cancer in men. 

A study found that oral sex and HPV will cause genital warts and cervical cancer in women. This is a major cause of oral cancer in men non-smokers in the United States. 

The doctor revealed that cases of oral cancer and HPV virus is the cause of the attack could be a rising epidemic in the United States. These symptoms generally affect the majority of white people, especially the male non-smokers at age 30-40 years. 

Formations of tumors in the back of the tongue or tonsils have nothing to do with nicotine. This is directly related to when someone perform oral sex. 

"If you have more than five or six sexual partners, then you likely have a higher risk of mouth cancer," said Dr. Eric M. Genden of Mount Sinai Medical, as quoted by the New York Daily News. 

Overcome Dehydration, Tea & Water as Good as

so far, society is made restless with issues that tea can cause dehydration. Because the tea contains caffeine is a diuretic which is an alias to absorb the liquid.

Recently, a study conducted in England found that by drinking 4-6cups of tea every day, the properties obtained as well by drinking 1liter of water to keep the body from lack of fluids or dehydration. The study also found no adverse effects to the health of participants during tea consumption.

A total of 21 respondents were asked to drink 4 glasses of tea-sized 240 ml (equal to one liter) within 12 hours, which is presented in warm. Tea is also mixed with 20 ml of skim milk without sugar.

The study was repeated again using 6 cups of tea and water the same size (equivalent to 1.5 liters). As a result, blood samples of respondents who consumed tea and water are taken before and after the test did not find any difference in the level of hydration. This study itself has been published in the British Journal of Nutrition.

"Tea is very good for maintaining body fluid levels. Basically, rich tea flavonoids, which can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, "said Carrie Ruxton, nutrition consultant for the study, as reported by the Daily Mail on Monday (4/25/2011).

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Fe, Nutrition Important when Diet

Slim and healthy body is the desire of every woman. Therefore, it's normal medications and slimming treatments sold in the market. Some women choose a diet with its own way. However, they often misguided and even lead to health problems rather than lean body who so dream. Diet is not prohibited, but must be done with care and attention to nutritional intake in addition to regular exercise. 

One of the important nutrients that should not be left in a diet is Fe . The reason that many substances contained in spinach is very important for the metabolism of the body, especially women. In fact, a laboratory test showed that with adequate Fe intake during dieting, your metabolism will run faster. That means burning calories will be faster so that more rapid weight down. 

Fe in the blood is a "carrier agent" oxygen from the lungs throughout the body and are needed for women, especially during menstruation and pregnancy. A woman aged 19-54 years need Fe intake is about 12 to 16 milligrams. While pregnant women are required to take 10-20 milligrams of Fe. For women above 54 years of age should consume 5-7 milligrams of Fe each day. 

Then, how to maintain the supply of Fe in the body and no loss of appetite? Do not worry, not only the Fe contained in spinach, but also in several types of fruit and vegetables. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Drinking Coffee Lower Risk of Gout

The Boston researchers report, a cup of coffee every day for years can reduce the risk of gout in approximately 50 percent of postmenopausal women. But, there are also among the forbidden drink. 

Gout begins from the rising levels of uric acid in the blood. Furthermore, uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints and the surrounding area. This causes swelling and pain. Gout is rare in young women, but mostly at one of 20 postmenopausal women. In the early stages, the symptoms of gout come and go, which obviously affects mostly the legs. 

"The pain is described as one of the most severe pain experienced by humans, such as broken bones. You can not walk, even light objects such as bedding feels unbearably heavy," said lead researcher, Dr. Hyon Choi of Boston University's School of Medicine. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spine Cancer

Spine cancer is very rarely encountered. Cases of cancer of the spine of the most common are the metastasis, which is cancer originating from other parts of the body and spread to the spine. When cancer spreads, or originated in this region, usually affects one or more parts of the spine. If someone develops cancer of the spine, either primary or secondary, it will show different symptoms of the disease. 

Primary bone cancer in the spine is rare. Cancer in the spine can cause destruction of healthy cells of bone patients. Cancer tumors not only damage the bones of the spine but also damage the spinal cord sufferers. Symptoms of bone cancer in the spine include pain, broken bones and numbness or weakness.

The most common sign of cancer of the bone in the spine is pain in the neck or back. The pain will continue and be accompanied by other symptoms. This pain can be just in the back, can also spread to other limbs. Development depends only on the location of abnormal growths. If the cancer is causing a small amount of inflammation and irritation, the pain usually remains behind. If the cancer is pressing the nerve, the pain diffuse out to the "branch" agencies. No matter the source of pain, cancer of the spine cause chronic discomfort. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Diet Coca Cola for Diabetes Patients

Karl Lagerfeld (famous designer) has managed to reduce body weight by eating a diet Coke. Only, this one soft drinks are often touted to increase the risk of obesity and diabetes. In fact, Diet Coke was good for people with diabetes. How come?

Currently you can enjoy a Diet Coke without feeling guilty. Because the artificial sweetener used in soft drinks are "not increase the risk of obesity and diabetes." If the ad campaign a number of benefits from the Coca Cola Diet, current research has found other facts.

In that study showed that for diet sodas and other drinks with artificial sweeteners do not cause diabetes as previously thought. So that was taken from the Daily Mail, Tuesday (19/04/2011).

Regular soda and sugary drinks with artificial sweeteners such as coffee or tea is suppose to increase the risk of someone suffering from diabetes. But researchers at Harvard University said it was not true. Instead replace sugary drinks with diet versions seem to be a healthy alternative. 

"There are some alternatives to regular soda," said Frank Hu, co-author of the study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 

"Diet soda may not be the best alternative, but moderate consumption will not have any harmful effect that is big enough," he continued. 

Before the study, many people suggest that drinking diet soda regularly will probably have a higher risk of diabetes than those who do not drink artificial sweeteners. 

Pure Water for the Ideal Body

Anyone would want to have the ideal body shape. Not only women, men are also many who are interested in losing weight so thatfreed from the aliases obesity obesity. One of a healthy diet is a diet with water.

The way was fairly simple. Before the meal, whether it be breakfast, lunch, or dinner, those who want a diet drink requiredtwo glasses of water, only then eating as usual

"A diet of white water like this enough to help people to reduce the intake of foods such as junk food into the body. That's because two glasses of water to make us full first and make eating not too much," says nutritionist from Slim and Beauty Clinic Wanda Hamid.

Benefits of water, according to Wanda, so great for the body. In addition to maintaining the freshness of the body, helping to aid digestion, cure various illnesses, and remove toxins in the body, water also can help reduce weight.

Water is an important element in the process of metabolism(burning calories) in the body to convert food into energy.

Healthy Right Caffeine

Within a reasonable amount of caffeine content in coffee can help the mind, jobs, and association. But when consumed in excess, coffee will turn into toxins that harm the body. 

Drinking a cup of coffee or tea in the morning or late afternoon while enjoying a gentle breeze on the porch of the house may have become a habit many people in big cities to villages. The habit becomes a routine that can not be abandoned. 

Habit of consuming tea or coffee with caffeine content is reasonable. Caffeine has an effect that can lead to addiction for those who eat them.

In fact, if consumed in excess, caffeine is also contained in various kinds of cold medicine, headaches, and allergies that can cause negative effects to the body. 

The effects of caffeine can lead to chronic anxiety, irritability, insomnia, and diarrhea. In larger quantities, can even be toxic to the body, especially for women who are pregnant, it is advisable to consult your physician first.

Caffeine become harmful if consumed excessively because caffeine can increase heart rate and metabolism, causing difficulty sleeping, headaches, and stimulate fluid in the stomach causing a burning sensation. Excess caffeine can also cause frequent urination.

Too Tight Bra Cause Breast Itching

Not long ago using the bra top brand new, but apparently itchy breasts a few times. Even so the itch, you had to scratch it in public.

"If the breast feels very itchy, redness and skin arise breasts look chafed, most likely there are errors on your new bra. The line buffers generally chest in her bra while the skin feels rough, plus more if worn too tight bra for wearing-bra size-fits this less capable of inducing conditions such as itching of the skin, "explained Patricia Engasser MD, a clinical professor skin at Stanford University, as quoted by Cosmopolitan.

Then, how do I fix this?

"Compelled, you have to replace the bra was the bra size is more fitting. After a shower and before wearing a bra, apply unscented skin moisturizer with skin cooling effect. Also apply hydrocortisone cream-based material that can withstand the reaction is not caused by inflammation of the skin-infection levels of 1 percent inone day twice. If it still feels itchy after a few weeks, consult a doctor who knows the itching was a rare signal of breast cancer, “said Patricia closing the conversation.

Prevent Breast Cancer with Papaya

Papaya (Carica papaya) is a versatile plant. The fruit contains high antioxidants. These include vitamin C, flavonoids, folate, vitamin A, pathogenic acids, minerals, magnesium, vitamin E, potassium, fiber, and vitamin B. The fruit contains an enzyme that can prevent breast cancer cell growth. And the leaves and roots can be used to overcome various kinds of diseases. 

Papaya fruit contains a variety of enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. Its vitamin A content of more than carrots, more vitamin C than oranges. He is also rich in vitamin B complex and vitamin E. 

"Protein content in papaya fruits are not too high. Only 4-6 grams per kg weight of the fruit. But this small amount can be almost completely digested and absorbed by the body. This is due to the enzyme papain in papaya fruit is able to digest a substance 35 times larger than its size alone, "said Dr. Diana Goddess of the European Slimming Centre in Jalan Iskandarsyah Raya No.97, Jakarta Selatan. 

Papaya fruit contains the enzyme papain. This enzyme is very active and able to accelerate the process of protein digestion. This enzyme can break down food that contains proteins and to form various amino acid compounds that are autointoxicaing or automatically remove unwanted substances formation due to incomplete digestion. "High blood pressure, constipation, arthritis, epilepsy, and diabetes are diseases that arise because the process of digestion is not perfect. Papain can not always prevent it. However, at least to minimize the negative effects that arise.Clearly, the papain can help make the process of digesting food better, "continued Dr. Diana. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Beware of Bone Thieves Disease

Bone loss occurs without symptoms usually mean. No wonder many people are not aware of his arrival. And if left unchecked, the disease can cause paralysis.

"The Silent Thief" was the nickname of disease osteoporosis.Indeed, this disease often comes without symptoms. Slowly but surely "The thief bone" is constantly eroding the bone until porous.Patients realized when the condition is severe. Therefore, from now on you should beware. If I need to anticipate the arrival of osteo porosis early.

Doctors Hospital orthopedic specialist from Jakarta, Dr. Subagyo Spb H-SpOT said, osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and micro architecture accompanied by tissue damage. This disorder causes bone fragility resulting in an increased risk of fracture. "This disease in long time will steal the bone of the patient," he said.

cat's tail

These plants come from the West Indies, and classified as amedicinal plant. Commonly planted as an ornamental plant in the yard with leaf shape is oval or oblong. The flowers taste sweet, becool and brown. Chemicals contained in these plants, among othersacalyphin, flavonoids, saponins, and tannins.

Cats can be used to stop bleeding, cover the wound and is diuretic.Plant part used is the flower and leaf. For example to treat intestinal worms, dysentery, colitis, leprosy, skin loses pigment (vertiligo) andclose the wound bled.

Fennel plant

Fennel is one of the medicinal plants that are considered nine benefits in Anglo-Saxon. In Indonesia, have been cultivated and sometimes as flavor plant or medicinal plants. Plant can live from the plains to a height of 1,800 m above sea level, but will grow better in the highlands. Originally from Southern Europe and Asia, and for its benefits then widely planted in Indonesia, India, Argentina, Europe, and Japan. Longevity herb, height 50 cm - 2 m, grow in family. One family usually consists of 3-5 stems. Bluish green stems, grooved, segmented, hollow, fragrant smell when bruised. Location of the leaf turns, two double compound pinnate with narrow fins, the shape of the needle, the tip of the base and tapering, flat edge, white seludang, webbed sheath with the top hat shaped. Structured as an umbrella flower inflorescence compound with 6-40 peduncle, peduncle length mother 5-1 0 em, panj 'ang peduncle 2-5 mm, yellow crown, out of the end of the rod. Fruit oval, ribbed, length 60-10 mm, width 3-4 mm, young green after dark brown slightly green or brown slightly yellow-brown completely.