Monday, May 30, 2011

Fast Road reason Prevent Prostate Cancer Growth


According to researchers, fast walking can be the savior of men with prostate cancer. Walking is not just any walk, but with a certain speed.

At least three hours a week walking quickly to delay and even prevent the development of prostate cancer. However, the researchers assert, the benefits could only be obtained in men who walk fast, not the road with low speeds.

Conclusions obtained through a study of 1455 men diagnosed with prostate cancer but has not begun to spread. Physical activity levels of patients assessed for more than two years after diagnosis and initial treatment.

Furthermore, researchers from the United States have recorded 117 incidents in patients, including recurrence of disease, bone tumor, and death caused by prostate cancer.

The result, they found that men who walked at least three hours a week have 57 percent lower rate of disease progression of prostate cancer than men who walked slowly for a shorter time.

"Apparently, the man who walked quickly after the diagnosis can delay or even prevent the development of their disease," said Erin Richman, head of research at the University of California, San Francisco.

"The benefits of walking really depend on how fast you walk. Walking with a low speed does not have any benefit. Walking is an activity everyone can do and should do to improve their health, "he added, as reported by Dailymail on Monday (5/30/2011).

Another benefit to walking fast

The findings reported in the journal Cancer Research is to provide additional evidence that run regularly to combat the number of health problems, including heart disease and some cancers.

When studying the effects of walking, the researchers do this in patients with overweight and do not include those who are diligent in physical activity, like running, biking, and swimming.

In fact, walking distance does not affect the findings or less associated with the development of prostate cancer risk. Scientists say, brisk walking can inhibit the spread of this disease in several ways.

First, walk quickly to help reduce levels of circulating insulin, reducing the chemicals that stimulate cancer growth, and metabolism of protein that is released by fat cells. The three ways are shown to increase proliferation (phase cells as they undergo repeated cell cycle without barriers / wikipedia) prostate cancer cells and are associated with risk of advanced disease or fatal.

"This study offers evidence that better than most studies, in which physical activity can slow the progression of prostate cancer," said Dr Helen Rippon, Head of Research Management of Prostate Cancer Charity.

"Although this study needs to be repeated to ensure the results can be applied to all men with prostate cancer, we would certainly advise men with the disease to healthy lifestyle, including a good amount of physical activity," he added.

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