Already in recent years an alternative treatment with leeches media was introduced by Ustad Qomarudin, one teacher in boarding school As-Shidiq, Selorejo Village, District Bagor, Nganjuk District, East Java.
Now, though Ustad Qomarudin gone, leech treatment services keep running and forwarded by Mahrussoleh, his son who also teaches at Pondok Pesantren As-Shidiq.
Almost every day, several people with various illnesses complaints came in to try this leech therapy. Ranging from severe disease to mild disease, such as diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, gout, stroke, skin pain, and many more.
However, leech therapy patients can not be as much as a therapist with other media, because most people are scared and disgusted with this one animal.
How to leech therapy is also not too difficult, namely animal leech just put it on a sore body parts, such as in the legs, hands, stomach, neck, and others.
Then, slowly but surely, leeches will bite and suck blood soiled skin on the body of the sick earlier.
Not just a dirty blood sucking only, at the time of ongoing bloodletting, leeches also spitting saliva into the body of the sick.
Well, leech saliva that was supposedly able to neutralize the disease in the body so that the blood originally turned into a liquid or frozen smoothly and the body becomes fresh.
Because of this disgusting form of animal, most patients who come are the patients who had been frustrated or was years went to the doctor but never healed.
In fact, not the least of which is paralysis or leg nearly amputated. Out of fear, the patient was desperate to come, and was treated by the media this leech.
And the result, had countless more, so many patients admitted and recover with treatment of this leech.
One of them is Grace (30), the man from Kediri have 10 years of suffering from eczema on his leg. Upset because of medication in the doctor does not go away, Grace reckless media treated with leeches. As a result, only two time the treatment of eczema on his leg pain was fully recovered.
"For those who have never tried it, treatment with leeches media was felt disgusted and scary," said one patient, Grace.
"But after a try, it turns out not as we imagine, even the pain was said to be just like an ant bite," said Rudi, people with high cholesterol.
Mahrussoleh, the leech therapist said, that the leeches used for leech therapy is not obtained in the vicinity of his home in vain, but a special leech or marine leeches obtained from Madura.
Still according to Mahrussoleh, means of treatment with a leech is not a finding or new.
Because the high benefits of animals leeches to cure various diseases has been much written and discussed in the yellow books that many are taught in various schools.
In fact it is said, the leech has been known as a useful animal for the media since the time of the Prophet Job's treatment of thousands of years ago.
The duration of each treatment process patients varies, depending on the amount of blood that must be sucked by a leech. When the dirty blood runs out, will leech off by itself.
"You are interested in trying out this treatment by the media leeches? No need to hesitate, because guaranteed you will not be charged high ," lid Mahrussoleh.
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