Monday, May 2, 2011

Ear Piercing Can Cause Paralysis

Ear piercing is a simple procedure. Risks that may occur only allergy or infection. But be careful if an infection could trigger other diseases can even be in the form of paralysis.

Ear piercing is an ancient civilization that has made human ancestors since 5000 years ago. Children or adults who will perform ear piercing that is undergoing the same procedure until translucent cartilage piercing to the back.

Although the procedure has been well served by not a few people who have an infection due to ear piercing. This infection is a risk yan always appear even if sterile procedures were followed.

This infection can sometimes cause serious illness. As experienced Grace Etherington, ABG age of 15 years this British have suffered paralysis and unable to speak after suffering an infection in her ears are pierced.

Ear infection that has triggered the emergence of a rare disease Guillain-Barre syndrome in the nervous system so that paralyzes the body. Because this syndrome, Grace is only able to communicate through blinking.

Guillain-Barre syndrome is a rare autoimmune disorder that affects the peripheral nervous system. This is usually triggered by a severe infection and causing rapid paralysis, partial or total, starting with a loss of feeling in the feet (numbness) to affect the limbs, face and tendons.

And the worst was a few days after suffering an infection in the ear, Grace was having trouble walking so that her mother rushed her to Mariime Medway Hospital in Kent.

"I was very worried about him. She said could not hold a pencil at school and could not walk. I was really devastated and could not imagine my little girl could only blink for the rest of his life. That's worse than death, "explains Sharon as quoted Dailymail, Wednesday (10/11).

Grace was in a coma for two days and some organs begin paralyzed. Her lungs had collapsed. But after a long treatment appears miracle because he began to realize while before the doctor was not really expecting much.

Grace began to move the fingers and mouth. He slowly began to wiggle his fingers and then try to talk. The words do not come out, but at least he was able to move his mouth. Although difficult to link pierced ears with paralysis, doctors recommend avoiding any kind of infection because the infection can lead to serious illness.

For a safe ear piercing, one must also know the health risks to herself if she suffered from diabetes, high blood pressure, inflammation of the skin which can actually worsen the condition.
As reported by eHow, upper ear piercing trend is most often become infected. Piercing the upper ear is not recommended by most doctors.

If infection occurs immediately consult a doctor Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) to be given appropriate antibiotics.

If no infection occurs during the piercing process, people also should be diligent in cleaning the ear and surrounding area. Make sure the area is free of lotion, shampoo or conditioner rest, perfume or dirt in sight.

Ear piercing healing process can last 2-6 weeks then it is diligent to clean the front and back of ear with alcohol or other cleaning solutions.


  1. Would you be so kind to give follow up in this case/

  2. it is just about information, you can ask to the doctor especially about this disease
