SOME time ago, the rabbit became a popular pet. Not only beautiful, it turns fluffy animal also has good effects on health. How come?
The scientists managed to prove that animals are used as icons playboy was not only beautiful, but also good for health.
Currently, a relatively new technique has a cell with rabbits present during consultation sessions with a psychologist and psychotherapy increasingly popular.
This new study conducted by a team of experts from the University of Missouri and led by Professor Rebecca Johnson. The results showed that the presence of rabbit just give women a sense of tranquility.
Next, the scientists observed decreased levels of stress hormone cortisol in the body of a woman after they hold the animal for several minutes. So that was quoted from Genius Beauty, Thursday (01/06/2011).
Dr. Johnson noted that the presence of domestic rabbits in facilitating social bonds, teach women and girls how to better understand themselves and others, and how to communicate with others more effectively.
In particular, women who have kept the rabbits also have better control in emotion and behavior. Rabbits are used as part of the therapy also facilitates the healing of serious illness in children and adolescents, such as autism or depression, and help them overcome the lack of confidence.
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