Saturday, March 19, 2011

Danger Use the salt too salty

Without salt dish was bland. However, be careful. Enjoyment of food with salt can also cause various diseases.
Byword "Like the vegetables without salt" as describing the importance of using salt in cooking. Garamlah which makes the food was tasty. Salt with the chemical name sodium or natriumchlorida (NaCl) which is part of the body's sodium is very necessary. The body requires a certain salt content to function properly.

Sodium helps the body maintain fluid concentration in the body. This salt also acts as an electronic transmission in nerves and helps cells take up nutrients. According to the Clinical Nutritionist Dr. Hang Lekiu Inayah Budiasti MS SpGK, salt content in the body is needed to support organ function.

"In the body there are acid-base, while the salt is useful to assist muscle contraction, nerve cells work, helping the brain concentration, and keep your body to not feel weak," said the doctor who is familiarly called dr Asti.
In addition, the salt content in the normal range and content of sodium chloride is also required to maintain the fluid in the body for blood circulation and in the body. However, excessive salt content would lead to reduced bone mass density or osteopeni (bone disorder mild stage).

"Excessive salt levels in the body will be removed, this also resulted in calcium out. If you continue to take place will cause osteopeni, that bone density is reduced," said Asti, adding normal salt content in the body of 500 grams. This condition if ongoing will lead to osteoporosis.

In fact, the risk of causing fractures. Similar disclosed Professor Graham MacGregor of Cash (Consensus Action on Salt and Health). According to him, excessive salt intake in the body will cause strokes and heart attacks, can even result in more severe.

"The high salt levels in body fluids will affect the function of other organs or the brain. Levels of excessive salt causes the widening of blood vessels. The condition is fatal rupture of blood vessels, and there was a stroke," said MacGregor. Furthermore, he revealed, when sodium levels are too high the body will retain too much fluid volume in the body that continues to increase.

In the same circumstances, high levels of salt in the channel will also suppress the body's heart, and increases the risk of coronary heart attacks. For that, it's time for the housewives who prepare food at home for more attention to the use of salt. Because the same salt content, not necessarily the same will be processed by each family member. In adults, it would be possible to remove the salt in the body through the kidneys and excreted in urine.
However, for small children will be difficult because they do not have enough capacity to process the salt and remove it again.Especially in children, underdeveloped organs maximum. If kids still given portion of food intake for adults, salt will accumulate in the body and can damage the heart, liver, and brain.

In fact, in the worst cause death. Meanwhile, a nutritionist from the British Nurtrition Wynnie Foundation Dr Chan added that everyone should reduce salt in each food. "The diet will significantly reduce the salt also minimize the risk of developing hypertension," Chan said, adding that food always instant have a fairly high salt content because it uses a preservative.

Important Pregnancy

Talk about food intake is closely related to body weight. If under normal circumstances may be able to go on a diet or eating according to appetite, it is not the case when the condition of being pregnant.

At that time, the body requires nutrients required to complete the consumed every day. Body of pregnant women require at least 300 additional calories per day. For the growth of fetal and placental tissue, increase blood volume, amniotic fluid, and reserve mothers in childbirth.

Specialist Obstetric and Gynecology of YPK Maternity Hospital Dr. Anita SpOG Arju say, in general intake for pregnant women must meet the minerals, salts, vitamins, protein, and a balanced composition. If linked to salt intake, pregnant women must also satisfy the origin of this content is not excessive.

"Normally, salt is needed by the body to assist the performance of other organs. Similarly, for pregnant women, if not met the body will feel weak," said Arju. Lack of salt intake causes the body felt weak. If the weak condition of
pregnant women, expectant mothers would be burdensome in the past during her pregnancy.

Even this weak condition will weaken the prospective mother and disrupt the physical growth of the fetus. In addition to salt intake, other nutrients that are useful for fetal development also need attention. Intake is not balanced will affect the baby's development both physically and functionally.

"The lack of one nutrient intake will affect the physical condition and body functions such as vision, hearing, nerves, and others," he said. Meanwhile, Dr. MS SpGK Inayah Budiasti added, the condition of pregnant women is different than usual.
"At a certain gestational age, pregnant women and their condition was not balanced. Therefore, the content of the food must be met to help the metabolism in the body," said Asti.

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