Rambutan fruit commonly found in various regions in Indonesia. Trees or plants that have a Latin name Nephelium lappaceum is typical of tropical plants and is difficult to live in the area of non-tropical climates. More specifically, rambutan fruit comes from the Malay Archipelago.
Rambutan name comes from the Malay language which means hairy. The fruit is known to Westerners as hairy lychee. Lychees called because it resembles the shape and lychees. In Hawaii, rambutan called a berry hoop.
Rambutan is a source of vitamin C and calcium and contains niacin, iron, protein and fiber in sufficient quantities. One cup or 150 grams of rambutan contains 123 calories.
Rambutan contains many minerals that the body such as calcium (9.58 mg/100g), magnesium (12.3 mg/100g) and potassium (84.1 mg/100g). All of these essential elements are needed in a balanced diet. Acidity or pH level of rambutan fruit combined amounted to 4.66 and a relatively high sugar content. Acid content is ideal for balancing a large sugar content.
"Every rambutan fruit contains an average of 59 calories. To prevent cancer, eat 5 fruits rambutah every day on a regular basis. One study found that eating 9-10 fruits rambutan effectively lower blood pressure," said Michele Blacksberg, health consultant in New York as reported by FoxNews on Monday (3/26/2012)
Rambutan fruit wall contains tannins and saponins. In Indonesia, this section usually dried and used for medicine. Rambutan tree roots can also be used to treat fever. Rambutan seeds contain fat and polyphenols.
Ripe rambutan can be stored from 5-8 days but will lose 19% - 25% of the weight and watery. The loss of skin moisture and become soft feathers dark showed that the fruit is starting to rot. Rambutan fruit should be stored in sealed plastic bags. The combination of low temperature and carbon dioxide from 7.5 to 9.2% in a sealed plastic bag to keep it fresh rambutan for 12 days
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