Sunday, April 10, 2011

Nutrition is important to Generation Platinum

To optimize growth and development, children need two essential nutrients. Namely, the brain care to support the defense ability of the brain and body that supports the immune system. 
From year to year, the ratio of child welfare has not shown satisfactory results. See, this year there are approximately 1.39 million people suffer from malnutrition, 12 percent of who are aged under five. While the Central Bureau of Statistics 2010 states, many children certainly do not get enough nutrition because consumption pattern of origin. 

Whereas Indonesian children are the future generation. With proper nutrition they will grow into individuals who are qualified as well. They also will get the forging of a variety of challenges in the future. This requires that the children have a number of intelligence as proposed by leading from the Harvard University psychologist Howard Gardner. 

He renamed it as multiple intelligences (multiple intelligence) to the amount of eight, ie, linguistic intelligence, spatial, mathematical, kinestetis, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist intelligence. So how Indonesian children have all aspects of that intelligence without the support of adequate nutrition? 

Indeed, the development and growth of children plays a vital role for the future of children. Growth itself is marked by the increasing size and physical structure of a child. While the developments associated with the development of functions that include motor skills, cognition, language, and social. Nutrition and balanced nutrition is very necessary existence in order to produce quality generation platinum.

Unfortunately, seeing the reality that exists today, in addition to malnutrition problems that plagued some Indonesian children, parents were still many who have less in-depth understanding of the related importance of nutrition and balanced nutrition for child growth. Due to improper handling of this, the child was difficult to grow optimally.
"Many parents who do not know that the age difference of nutrition and stimulation requires a different," said Chairman of the Division of Child and Adolescent Growth Faculty of Medicine Airlangga University Surabaya, Dr Ahmad Suryawan SpA (K).According to the man who was familiarly called Wawa is, for optimal growth and development, then the child should be given the intake of nutrients that can support the ability of the brain or brain care, as well as having the ability to support the immune system or body defense. 

"Through the synergy of these two will help optimize the process of development of the child," continued Dr. Iwan Surjadi Handoko as Bussines Development Manager Sanghiang Perkasa PT Kalbe Nutritionals. 

Iwan explained, choline, DHAAA, Alpha-lactalbumin, and Omega-3 and Omega-6 are all nutrients that play a role in helping the development of the brain. Choline for example, organic compounds that are classified as water soluble and essential nutrients including vitamin B part of this support the development of memory and cognition in infants. Choline is not only an important role in brain growth, but also the spinal cord. ASI is one good source of choline. 

While DHA-AA are essential fatty acids which also play an important role in the structure and brain development, particularly in fetuses and infants. DHA supports brain development and function of the retina and helps maintain neutrotransmiter. The Alfa-laktabulmin are many types of proteins in milk, ie 25-30 percent of the total protein

whereas in cow's milk is only 2-5 percent. 
These proteins are useful for reducing the gastrointestinal disorders in infants and play a role in regulating sleep patterns, mood, and stress. Omega-3 and 6 which are essential fatty acids, must be obtained from the outside because it can not be made sufficiently in the body. 

"They function as structural components of cell membranes and nervous system growth is good," said Iwan. 

Another with the necessary nutrients for the immune system, among Probiotics, Prebiotics, Lactoferrin, and Nucleotides.Probiotics are living microorganisms that can benefit the body if taken in proper amount. 

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