"The Silent Thief" was the nickname of disease osteoporosis.Indeed, this disease often comes without symptoms. Slowly but surely "The thief bone" is constantly eroding the bone until porous.Patients realized when the condition is severe. Therefore, from now on you should beware. If I need to anticipate the arrival of osteo porosis early.
Doctors Hospital orthopedic specialist from Jakarta, Dr. Subagyo Spb H-SpOT said, osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and micro architecture accompanied by tissue damage. This disorder causes bone fragility resulting in an increased risk of fracture. "This disease in long time will steal the bone of the patient," he said.
Osteoporosis is caused by several things. The age factor is the largest contribution. The proof of this disease the most diligent visited the women who had experienced menopause. That is because the influence of the hormone estrogen that affects bone. In postmenopausal women, the hormone is down by 20 percent, and it can cause broken bones, and there was osteoporosis.
Subagyo continue, there are several other causes of osteoporosis, which is naturally due to aging process (above 70 years), physical inactivity, eating too much medicine containing steroids (usually in patients with asthma and arthritis). Other causes include excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and coffee. Osteoporosis can also occur due to chronic diseases that interfere with bone metabolism, such as diabetes who have chronic liver disease cirrhosis, hypertyroid (goiter), pituitarym gland tumors, bone tumors, and others.
"Do not ever suppress the signs of osteoporosis, since osteoporosis is a disease without symptoms, the patient realizes he rarely affected by this disease," said the doctor who is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Trisakti.
Described by Subagyo, the process begins with the occurrence of osteoporotic bone formation (osteoblasts) and bone absorption process (osteoclast) runs with the balance. But at the time of entering the age of 30 years, osteoclast becomes more dominant (salient), resulting in bone absorption is more common than bone formation so that the density (density) of bone is reduced, more and more fragile and brittle and occurs in bone fragility (osteoporosis).
"Porous bones become brittle (fracture), although with a mild trauma alone," added the doctor who practiced at hospitals Alert Raya Pasar Minggu area. Some of the impact of this disease include pain in bones, the body progressively shortened (bent).Osteoporosis causes bones to break easily as well so at risk of disability or paralysis. If you are like this, people need a large maintenance costs, dependence on others, the quality of life decline, even death.
"To know the occurrence of osteoporosis can be done by detecting the bone. Detection can be done through a device called a bone densitometry. In addition, laboratory osteoporosis: biochemical markers, and with radiological examination, "said the doctor graduated from Airlangga University, Surabaya.
Orthopedic surgeon who is also from the hospitals in Jakarta, Dr Muki Partono SpBO states, if the detection is done then if someone has been detected osteoporosis, one way of healing to do surgery
"To perform the operation of osteoporosis needs to be done some preparatory steps such as planning, sterility, scan or X-ray control in bone surgery and the other wants," he explained.
Muki added, if the disease is felt in the wrist where the wrist became swollen, very painful, handgrip strength will be reduced, which requires surgery and usually pain and stiffness in the wrist and fingers remain even after surgery, then it still should be handling.
"The handling is precise on the issue is with conservative treatment, using a plaster cast," said the doctor graduated from University of Indonesia.
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