Within a reasonable amount of caffeine content in coffee can help the mind, jobs, and association. But when consumed in excess, coffee will turn into toxins that harm the body.
Drinking a cup of coffee or tea in the morning or late afternoon while enjoying a gentle breeze on the porch of the house may have become a habit many people in big cities to villages. The habit becomes a routine that can not be abandoned.
Habit of consuming tea or coffee with caffeine content is reasonable. Caffeine has an effect that can lead to addiction for those who eat them.
In fact, if consumed in excess, caffeine is also contained in various kinds of cold medicine, headaches, and allergies that can cause negative effects to the body.
The effects of caffeine can lead to chronic anxiety, irritability, insomnia, and diarrhea. In larger quantities, can even be toxic to the body, especially for women who are pregnant, it is advisable to consult your physician first.
Caffeine become harmful if consumed excessively because caffeine can increase heart rate and metabolism, causing difficulty sleeping, headaches, and stimulate fluid in the stomach causing a burning sensation. Excess caffeine can also cause frequent urination.
"Too much caffeine-containing phenol causes the body to be difficult to absorb iron. In fact, we know that iron is needed by the body, "said Irawan Suprayitna heart specialists.
Furthermore, a physician who practice in the area of Pondok Indah was explained, the content of caffeine in a cup of coffee is 100 to 150 mg of caffeine.
While in one cup of tea contained approximately 40 mg of caffeine and chocolate bars in a medium size is 20-60 mg of caffeine.Then, in one bottle size 340 ml cola drinks contained 40 to 60 mg of caffeine.
"Caffeine is contained in various drinks and drugs were actually also has a short-term impacts, such as 30 minutes after drinking a cup of coffee, the mind will work faster," said Irawan.
The same thing was also said by investigators from The pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Dr J Murdoch Ritchie. He said the caffeine in coffee and tea can increase heart rate, dilate blood vessels and encourage the flow of liquid or solid waste from the body. "So, sometimes people will feel that after drinking a cup of tea or coffee body will feel fresh.
Thus, consuming caffeine in the right portion is good for the body, "added Ritchie. Within a reasonable amount of caffeine can help the mind, jobs, and association, but will turn into poison if consumed excessively.
Exact amount is different for each person. Which can be used as guidelines is that until now no studies that mention the negative effects when consumed with a dose of caffeine under 300 milligrams a day.
Recommended by Ritchie, in addition to limiting caffeine that enters the body, which need to be considered when consuming food or beverages containing caffeine are watching the process of material processing such a drink or food.
"Coffee is threshed by traditional means on average have a higher caffeine content. Similarly, tea, tea is brewed with hot water directly without using the filter paper, has a higher caffeine content, "he said.
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