To satisfy his wife in bed, most husbands are willing to do anything, including the stimulation of fingers. Before making lust rising, first consider the husband's fingernail.
Husband wife used to make Miss V quickly "wet" by inserting a finger into it. Be careful, if the husband is not willing to wash your hands and nails sidelines first!
Because it can be, the virus HPV (human papillomavirus) will attach to and infect cervical cancer to you. You do not want to attack cervical cancer of the body, is not it?
"Not only through the genital contact, even from her husband a dirty nail, the HPV virus can be distributed to the wife's cervix, if it is tucked in there, eg hold down Vagina mistress. We never know what's holding out her husband. Then, he wanted to make love and play the wife of his finger in the vagina without washing hands. It would be very risky wife, "explained Dr Sigit Purbadi, Sp.OG (K) to Legal after the launch of the website by IPKASI (Cervical Cancer Prevention Initiative Indonesia) at the Penang Bistro Restaurant, Kebon Sirih, Jakarta, Thursday (28 / 4 / 2011).
Explained Dr Sigit, most women consult a doctor after suffering from advanced-stage cervical cancer.
"It's very unfortunate indeed there are many women who are reluctant to consult a doctor about cervical cancer or at least do percegahan with a pap smear once a year. Their understanding was still lacking on cervical cancer. They come and complain 'my lifestyle is healthy, my husband nice people, but why I can still develop cervical cancer. “Women should understand that we never know whether husband's faithful 100 percent, "he said.
Added Dr. Sigit, the wife can be infected by HPV because the virus can exist anywhere, even can attach to and live in the skin folds of circumcised penis husband.
"Not only that, using sex toys alternately with a female friend can also make us contagious, you know. Instead, she examined further through a pap smear for those who have been married and do the vaccinations for those who are not married, "he suggested closing the conversation.