Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cumin leaves

Shrub, creeper. Woody stems, soft, jointed. The segment is attached to the ground will grow roots, young stems pale green. Leaves single, easily broken, ovoid shape, thickness, , 6-7 cm long, 5-6 cm wide, reinforced pinnate, light green color. Compound interest, shaped bunches, purple crown bowl shape. Parts Used The whole plant parts.

-Baby vomiting.
-Digestion is not good.
-Inflammation of the bladder.
-Sprue stomach.


Caraway leaves fresh seven strands
Water 100 ml

Ways of making:
Made infusion or poured boiling.

How to use:
Taken 2 times a day, morning and evening, every times drinks100 ml.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 14 days.

Thrush Stomach (Hot In)
Cumin 1 gram of fresh leaf
Saga 3 grams of fresh leaves
3 grams of fresh herb Centella asiatica
Leaf Sirih fresh 3 strands
Bark Turi 4 gram
Water 110 ml

Ways of making:
Made infusion or crushed.

How to use:
Drink 1 a day 100 ml (infusion). If made 
​​pipisan drink 1 a day 1 / 4 cup.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 7 days.

baby Vomiting
If the infant is often vomiting and still nursing at his mother.Vomiting is caused by the mother eating putrid food such as fish,shrimp, etc..
2 pieces of fresh leaves Cumin

How to use:
To treat this, the mother should chew Leaves Caraway and the liquid is swallowed.

Duration of treatment:
3 times a day, morning, noon, and evening, each time 2 piecescaraway leaves are still fresh.

2 pieces of fresh leaves Cumin
2 pieces of fresh leaves Legundi
Red Ginger is a rhizome rhizome
Rhizome Bangle sufficiently
sufficient water

Ways of making:
Crushed to form a paste.

How to use:
Applied to the temples and behind the ears. If any, can be added to toilet water.


Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) is a tropical cultivars and fruitingplants including peas. Loud enough trunk can grow to be large and shady leaves. Loud enough trunk can grow to be large andshady leaves. Tamarind leaves long-stemmed, about 17 cm andfinned even. The flowers are yellow and reddish brown fruit podswith a distinctive sour taste. Inside the pods are in addition toskin that wraps the flesh of the fruit, seeds are also numbered 2-5are shaped flat with somewhat blackish brown color.

1. Asthma
    Ingredients: 2 pieces tamarind bark, fennel taste pulawaras
    Method: The second material is boiled with 1 liter of water
    to boiling, then filtered.
    Mrnggunakan way: drink 2 times a day

Hacking cough
    Ingredients: 3 pods of tamarind fruit, ½ handful sage leaves
    Method: The second material is boiled with 4 cups water
    to boil down to 1 cup and filtered
    How to use: drinked 2 times a day, morning and afternoon

    Ingredients: 1 handful of tamarind leaves, fennel pulawaras to taste;
    Method: The second material is boiled with ½ liter of water
    to boiling, then filtered
    How to use: drinked 2 times a day, morning and afternoon

    Ingredients: 2 pieces tamarind pods that have been cooked, the salt
    to taste
    Method: The second ingredient is brewed with 1 cup water
    heat, then filtered
    How to use: drinked ordinary
    Note: for pregnant women should not drink this recipe

    Ingredients: 1 handful of tamarind leaves, tamarind seed 2-3 (klungsu =
    Method: The second material is finely ground
    How to use: used to compress the affected part

Stomach ache
Ingredients: 3 pods of tamarind fruit is ripe, whiting
       and eucalyptus oil to taste
       How to make: all ingredients are thoroughly mixed
       How to use: used as a liniment, especially
       in the abdomen

Ingredients: 3 pods of tamarind fruit, a piece of palm sugar
       Method: The second ingredient is brewed with 1 cup water
       heat, then filtered
       How to use: drinked ordinary

Ingredients: 2 pieces tamarind pods, turmeric rhizome of a mother
        finger, a piece of palm sugar
        Method: Turmeric shredded, then mixed with the material
        other ingredients and brewed with 1 cup hot water, then
        How to use: drinked ordinary

    Ingredients: 1-2 pieces of tamarind fruit that has been cooked, 2 rhizome
    turmeric for thumb
    Method: grated turmeric, then the two materials
    thoroughly mixed
    How to use: used as a powder / liniment for
    patients morbili

Allergy / biduren (Java)
    Ingredients: 2-3 golong tamarind fruit that was old, salt
    to taste, ¼ tablespoon whiting.
    How to make: all ingredients are boiled in 3 cups water
    to boil down to 2 cups and filtered
    How to use: drinked 2 times a day, morning and afternoon

    Ingredients: 2 pieces tamarind pods, 2 ginger rhizome for mother
    finger, a piece of palm sugar
    How to make: all the ingredients are boiled until boiling
    to 1 cup, and then filtered
    How to use: drinked ordinary

New injuries
     Ingredients: tamarind leaves to taste
     Method: tamarind leaves chewed until creamed
     How to use: placed on the wound

Ulcerative wounds
     Materials: some tamarind seeds (klungsu = java)
     Method: finely ground tamarind seed
     How to use: placed on the wound, then bandage

Eczema and Boils
     Ingredients: 1 handful of tamarind leaves are still young (sinom =
     Java), 2 turmeric rhizome of thumb
     How to make: both ingredients until finely ground
     How to use: placed on the sick

Swollen from a bee sting or a centipede
     Ingredients: 3-5 seeds tamarind and eucalyptus oil to taste
     Method: finely ground tamarind seed
     How to use: the swelling cleaned
     first with a cloth moistened with eucalyptus oil,
     then sprinkled / plastered with tamarind seeds bubukan

Preventing hair loss
     Materials: some tamarind seeds
     How to use: before shampooing with shampoo, head
     dimasase advance with

These are 5 wrong assumptions that Make Lazy Quit Smokers

Minister of health ( Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih )said Indonesia ranks third largest in the world's smokers. The difficulty of a person separated from the bondage of cigarettes partly because of misconceptions that are circulating.

WHO in 2001 declared data, Indonesia ranks third highest number of smokers in the world, after China and India. Even to the level of ASEAN, Indonesia ranks first. This position is apparently not shifted so far to change the decade.

"Regarding the prevalence of smokers is considerably increased. From the year 2000-2010 has increased, both among male smokers and women, "said Minister of Health in the Office of the President, on Monday (26/09/2011) night.

She added, the number of male smokers over the age of 15 years reached 66 percent, while 4 percent of women smokers.The increase also occurred in novice smokers aged 10-14 years, as well as 15 years. Obviously, a lot of homework to be done the government to regulate tobacco as an addictive substance in terms of impact on health.

For many smokers, it's hard out of the habit that has to be a chronic form of comfort, knowing that smoking is deadly. Some of the misconceptions surrounding the cigarette and make lazy smokers quit, as reviewed Thescooponsmoking:

Smoking does not hurt anyone, but myself

In fact, approximately 49,000 nonsmokers die each year. This is caused when smoking, you are exposing cigarette smoke to children, relatives, or family that can cause lung cancer, heart disease, asthma, or other diseases.

Smoke a cigar and chewing tobacco is safer because it does not suck

Not only that cigarette smoke can kill someone. Deaths from cancer in male smokers approximately 34 percent higher than non-smokers. They are just chewing tobacco, oral cancer has the potential to affect the tongue, lips, and cheeks.

In addition, according to a study, a total of 6300 light smokers (less tobacco) have a risk of dying from cancer and heart disease two-fold higher than non-smokers.

Smoking or chewing tobacco can lower blood pressure

This is not true. A group of researchers in Stockholm, Sweden, studied 135 healthy people with high blood pressure condition.Once measured, the researchers found that those who smoke or chew tobacco have higher blood pressure than those who do not smoke.

If I only use filtered cigarettes, menthol, or with low levels of tar, then I'll be fine

Smokers will inhale smoke more deeply to get the nicotine levels that they need from the effects of addiction. Although using the filters, nicotine, and several other harmful substances remain exploited and enter the body.

I have smoked for many years, there's no use if I stop now

If you smoke, you shorten your life. The good news when quitting smoking, you will not only expedite the respiratory system, also repair the sense of taste.

A series of tests for Preventing Early Stroke

Stroke can occur in anyone, especially those with risk factors.Early prevention is certainly a good way. Efforts can be done through a series of tests.
Stroke, in medically known as cerebrovascular disease is a condition where there was an attack on the brain tissue. The attack caused by blockage, narrowing, or rupture of blood vessels resulting in impaired function (reduction of blood flow and oxygen) into the nerve center of this.
Stroke appear suddenly; in seconds or minutes so that it can happen to anyone, anytime. Stroke not only cause a temporary phenomenon, but also can cause permanent damage.

Prevent stroke by identifying early risk factors. Some risk factors, such as age above 50 years, obesity, cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, and lack of exercise. If you have risk factors as described, in general, your doctor will advise on how to reduce risk factors for stroke.

"Regular medical checkups are useful to detect and treat high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol, and heart disease. Fataknya, implementing a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, reducing stress, and quitting smoking will help prevent the occurrence of stroke," explains Dr. Keith Goh, Consultant of Neurosurgery at the International Neuro Associates, Novena Medical Centre, Singapore.

Meanwhile, tests such as Computerized Tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is some effort to see signs of a stroke on the brain. Often times, the doctor will also ask for angiogram, such as CT-angiogram or MR-angiogram to study the blood vessels, and / or perfusion scan to assess the patterns of blood flow.

Various blood tests will also be required to assess the overall risk of stroke. Sometimes, the drug should be given, such as antiplatelet or anticoagulant to prevent blood vessel blockage.And if there are abnormalities of blood vessels that can cause bleeding in the brain, then surgery may be needed.

"Everyone has some stroke risk. Although there are several factors that can not be controlled, regular medical examination and early detection can help reduce the severity of the condition of stroke such as brain damage or even death," he said.