Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sore is Perception

It was interesting listening to various experts in the field of pain that talk about the progress of therapy in patients with pain disorder. Experts in the field of pain: Prof. Luke Meliala said that only 20 percent of the pain that comes from organic damage conditions, the rest is non-organic factors. This means that in addition to biological factors is highly dependent pain with psychosocial factors.

Conclusion It is Indonesian Pain Society seminar series held at the Hotel Mercure, Ancol, Jakarta recently. Although the speak not a psychiatrist, I feel happy almost all the speakers agreed that the importance of biopsychosocial factors in pain therapy approach.

Pain is a perception

Physicians must be aware that pain is the perception of perceived patient discomfort. This means that pain is highly subjective. The patient was never will be measured clearly about the levels of pain, until now there are no medical devices that can state clearly titer levels person's pain.

Examination of pain still using picture visualization such as the Visual Analog Scale and for pediatric patients with a picture of the face with a change in atmosphere and the feeling of happy, normal to cry.

Subjectivity will be very influential in this regard. For example, if you feel pain at the number 6 is not necessarily the same weight of your pain with others who declare a value of 6 as well.

Thus the visible factors of psychological and social background can greatly affect a person 'levels' of pain a person. People with different backgrounds may complain of pain that is different.

A person who used to live comfortably and in an environment that can feel pain spoil remarkable only because it scratched the blade when cutting fruit. Meanwhile, a farmer who used to work hard in nature and life, may not be too tasteless sick when his leg torn by paculnya.

Somatoform pain disorder

I so remember the last chance Psychosomatic congress in Seoul South Korea. At that time there is Prof Jon Streltzer, psychiatrist and president of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine, which told of his experiences and research on pain and psychological therapy are associated with it

His research reinforced that perception is very important in the degree of pain. In medical science, especially the soul of medical psychosomatic field, known as a diagnosis of pain disorder that is part of somatoform disorder Patients usually complain of pain without the presence of an underlying medical condition and tidaka him organ damage and nerve fibers associated with pain. This condition can be quite make the patient uncomfortable because treatment with anti-pain medications often can not help much, instead allowing the side effects in patients.

Role of Psychotherapy

In a lot of literature and literary, psychological treatment modalities often become important when the modality of drug therapy is not much help. Patients who have been given various kinds of pain medication but no change is also a candidate for this therapy.

Psychotherapy Cognitive behavioral therapy approach (CBT) in many literature and clinical experience is helping patients with non-organic pain disorders.

Cognitive changes of pain experienced by patients will bring significant changes in pain perception of patients who often do not correspond to the organic conditions. Psychotherapy with this technique is very helpful especially in patients with disorders associated with somatoform pain.

The bottom line as a doctor in today's modern era, a biopsychosocial approach conceived by George Engel (1977) is a concept that needs to be emphasized in pain management. Not only with the drug itself but also with psychotherapy approaches that benefit the patient.

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