If you want to meet the best content for the body, drink coconut water. Aside from being a substitute for the lost body energy, coconut water can also reduce hypertension.
It presented Dr. Helmin Agustina S, Medical Manager of PT Kalbe Farma in a press conference "Hydro Culinary Ramadan in Southern Plaza", Bung Karno, Jakarta on Friday (5 / 8).
"Coconut water is a substitute for natural body fluids, and without side effects mean," he said.
Followed dr Helmin, world health organization, WHO also recommends that it is very good if you drink a high content of potassium and low sodium levels. And coconut water was the one that meets these requirements.
"This drink is very good for the heart because it can help the contraction of the heart and reduce high blood pressure and stroke," he described.
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