stroke or brain blood vessel disease is a disease characterized by blood vessels in the brain suddenly blocked or rupture, causing death of brain tissue. In fact, stroke is one cause of death.
If you have one or several of the signs or symptoms of the following, even though only for a moment, you may have an increased risk of stroke. These include vision loss sudden, felt weak in the face, arm or leg, difficulty speaking or understanding speech, severe headache or dizziness, and loss of balance.
"In addition to physical disability, 30-50 percent of stroke patients suffering from stroke depression marked by irritability, decreased self-esteem, and sleep disturbances. In some cases, depression can reduce motivation and worsen the condition of the patient," explains Dr. Keith Goh, Consultant Surgeon Nerves at the International Neuro Associates, Novena Medical Centre, Singapore.
A simple FAST test can be done at home to help detect early symptoms of stroke.
F = FACE , ask the person to smile. Does one side of his face was not lifted?
A = ARM , ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm fall down?
S = SPEECH , ask the person to repeat a simple sentence. Does his voice sound slurred or strange?
T = TIME , if someone has a problem following the above command, then do not delay, medical assistance should be called immediately.
Expected to know all three issues, measures of medical care can quickly and precisely carried out, to help decrease the level of lower mortality and disability rates from stroke.